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University of Minho, or UMinho, was founded in 1973 and is currently one of the most prestigious universities in the country. It's located in the cities of Braga, in the Gualtar campus and Guimarães, in the Azurém and Couros campi.

UMinho is composed of 12 Schools and Institutes, 30 research units and 11 cultural units, being considered one of the 50 best universities in Europe and among the 200 best universities under 50 years old, at a world-wide scale.


Since 2108, University of Minho integrates Arqus - European University Alliance, together with 8 other universities from various europea countries, with the goal of innovating teaching, exchange and integration with all of its members, under the light of the principles of freedom, inclusion and multiculturality. Click below for more information.

In the menu below, you can get a small taste for the University of Minho, exploring locations, the studies offered and its services and resources.

Imagem e desenho: Miguel Cunha